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Trader Partner Shidiq Muhd for VERSE NETWORK

Verse Network Time:2023-07-16 18:10:40 Read:406

Recap of the Conference in Singapore with our Trader Partner Shidiq Muhd for VERSE NETWORK:

Shidiq Mouhd

Founder & Leader Trader of Investribe

(South East Asia)

With over 12 years of experience in the trading industry, Shidiq has used mathematical and quantitative techniques to analyze market data. He is the founder of Investribe (Singapore) and led a team in developing advanced programs and strategies that have been instrumental in business success.

In addition to his role as Lead Trader of his own trading company, Shidiq has also dedicated his time to coaching retail and professional traders. With his comprehensive top-down approach to trading and proven techniques, he has helped thousands of traders in Asia succeed in the market.

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