Verse Network, Verse Corp Forex Copy Trading Join Help Telegram: @usd668

Verse Corp Team

The Verse Corporate Team

Verse Corp is a company specializing in financial education and automated trading. Verse Network provides its members with training and powerful tools to optimize and maximize returns on the financial markets. The team is made up of a group of experts in finance, commerce, artificial intelligence, computer programming, software development and digital marketing


Brice Van den Bussche

Verse Network founding member

A successful entrepreneur with over 15 years of network marketing experience. For 6 years, he has specialized in the research and development of automated trading solutions. Its purpose and mission is to help as many people as possible improve their quality of life and have more free time.

Mark Owen

Managing Director and Chief Trader of Trade&Train (UK)

Mark has been a global educator and financial markets trader since 2010, bringing out the best in novice to experienced traders. As an international speaker and educator, he is an expert in his field and knows exactly what is needed for you to succeed.

Stefan Burkard

Head Trader & CTO of Spring Techno (Germany)

More than 27 years of experience in trading and software development for the financial sector. Stefan is a graduate computer engineer specializing in software development, process measurement and control technology. Since 2003, Stefan has been CTO of Spring Techno, a company specializing in data analysis and visualization technologies. he is responsible for IT, software projects and develops intelligent algorithms for modeling, prediction and visual analysis.

Shidiq Mouhd

Founder & Leader Trader of Investribe

(South East Asia)

With over 12 years of experience in the trading industry, Shidiq has used mathematical and quantitative techniques to analyze market data. He is the founder of Investribe (Singapore) and led a team in developing advanced programs and strategies that have been instrumental in business success.

In addition to his role as Lead Trader of his own trading company, Shidiq has also dedicated his time to coaching retail and professional traders. With his comprehensive top-down approach to trading and proven techniques, he has helped thousands of traders in Asia succeed in the market.

VERSE Network Forex Copy Trading platform: Was created by Verse Corp,You only need $100 to purchase a Copy Trading License, and you can choose the world's top traders to make money for you. They all have real and transparent trading data for your reference! You can withdraw funds and profits from copy trading at any time, or choose to switch traders freely, Registered company (in Cyprus), Physical offices (in Dubai), Real company, founder and team, MyFXBook proof of trades, Referral and Team bonuses.=> Click here to Join Now

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